Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chip-level advances that may change computing

The question that I ask myself is how fast do we need our computers?  According to Brian Nadel from ComputerWorld there are 5 technical breakthroughs on the horizon.  Imagine removing wires from chips and replacing them with laser connections.  A hand held phone would be more powerful than the fastest PC today.  We could be the society that under utilize technology daily.   Where would such technology be useful?  Military, research, and safety to state a few that impact everyone in today's society.

I look forward to a faster boot up time, application launches, and mathematical calculations but the area I would like to see faster responses is the human brain and physical reflexes.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Watch out, Apple: Windows 8 could trump the iPad

Apple has been at the forefront of creating products that exceed consumer expectations; especially for personal use.  Microsoft, on the other hand, has created products that meet business needs but are loosing the customer advantage on the consumer front.  Windows 8 "boasts a very different, tile-based user interface called Metro based on Windows Phone that is touch-savvy, runs on ARM processors as well as Intel x86 chips, and will also work on traditional keyboard-and-mouse PCs and run anything that runs on Windows 7".  This product differs from the Apple's product line because tablets and PCs use the same operating systems as well as the same applications.

If Microsoft delivers on its Windows 8 promise and developers can create applications that support touch as well as keyboard/mouse interfaces then Microsoft stands a good change to give Apple a run for their money.  We may find consumers moving from the Apple products to the Windows 8 product line used in the majority of businesses.   Additionally, Windows 8 promises the use of the cloud to house application and files giving consumer the abilitiy to move from PC to tablet seemlessly.  This means no matter the Microsoft product used (desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone) all user applications and files will be available to the consumer.

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