Friday, October 21, 2011

Stop Complaining!

How often have we had those special moments (kids birthday, wedding, someone falling flat on their face, etc) where we take a picture and find that it is out of focus or we focused on the wrong thing?

For me, all the time.  Whether it is my wife, kids, parents, or myself we have to "miss the shot".  Lytro has created a new type of way of taking a picture.   No other camera does this - You can change the focus area after you take the picture!  "Unlike a conventional camera that captures a single plane of light, the Lytro camera captures the entire light field, which is all the light traveling in every direction in every point in space."

I wonder what this will do to Cannon, Sony, & Nikon.  Did Lytro just create a disruptive innovation?  Yes it did, because I will not buy any other camera product now.

Lytro site:

Lets Burn Books

Amazon negotiated an exclusive digital rights deal with DC Comics.  Superman and Batman are to be available to those who purchase the Kindle Fire.  What are competitors to do at a time like this?  BURN THEM!  Barnes & Nobles and Books-a-Million removed all the DC Comics from their stores, sending a scorching message to DC Comics. 

With this digital battle on the way consumers may need to have multiple tools to view their desired sources of entertainment and education.  Exclusive rights is nothing new, AT&T had it with the iPhone and now Amazon has it with DC Comics.  Let's remember that today almost every carrier has the iPhone.  Maybe it is not so bad to burn books.
